Post-doctoral position in Space Physics (dnr: 2.2.1-14/21)

To study auroral ionosphere dynamics with a sounding rocket.

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in a project related to experimental and modelling studies of the auroral ionosphere. You will be involved in analyses of observations of spectacular luminous clouds and ionized plasma using state-of-the-art research facilities such as a multi-station auroral imaging system and the international EISCAT UHF/EISCAT_3D research radars.

The postdoc position is related to a rocket mission to be launched from the SSC Esrange Space Centre near Kiruna, Sweden. The Barium Release Optical and Radio (BROR) rocket experiment aims to study small-scale processes and structures in the auroral ionosphere by means of an active modification of the ionosphere using multiple releases of barium.

The position is intended for modeling of auroral ionosphere dynamics and the interaction of the neutral and ionized barium clouds with the ambient ionosphere-thermosphere.

Along with these core tasks, you will also be involved in activities related to the barium-thermite payload test. Relevant experience with processing experimental data from optical and/or radar auroral observations is a merit.

Candidates should have completed (or expect to complete) a PhD in space physics or a related field during 2018 or later. Candidates planning to obtain their PhD degree before February 2021 may apply for this position.

If the candidate has an older degree and wants to refer to special circumstances, such as parental leave, this should be clearly stated. The candidate should not currently be an active researcher at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics.

The position, placed in Kiruna, is funded by the Swedish National Space Agency for 2 years.

For further information please contact:
Dr Tima Sergienko, e-mail:, +46-980-790 71

Trade union representatives:
Uwe Raffalski, SACO-S:, +46-980- 790 21
Stefan Karlsson, ST:, +46-980-790 29

Closing date for applications is 28 February 2021. 

Applications should include a CV, a short letter (one page) stating research interests and relevant experience, copies of academic transcripts and contact information for two professional references.

Applications should be submitted, preferably by email, to:

Or by mail:

Swedish Institute of Space Physics,
Box 812,
SE-981 28 Kiruna, Sweden

 Please quote reference number: 2.2.1-14/21

 If your application is sent by e-mail you should get a confirmation that we have received it. If you do not get the confirmation within three days, please contact the registrar: +46 980-790 00.

Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) is a governmental research institute that conducts postgraduate education and research in space physics, atmospheric physics and space technology. Many of IRF’s projects are run as large international projects in collaboration with other research institutes and space agencies. IRF has about one hundred employees and offices in Kiruna (headquarters), Umeå, Uppsala and Lund. For more information about IRF:


Created by Annelie Klint Nilsson at

Last modified by Annelie Klint Nilsson at