Information for visitors to the Space Campus and IRF in Kiruna

Tourist information (Kiruna Lapland)

Map showing the whereabouts of IRF and the Space Campus in Kiruna.

Bus timetable: (Linje 501, Jukkasjärvi-Kiruna; other buses that pass the Space Campus are Kiruna – Pajala – Övertorneå – Haparanda (linje 50, 51, 53, 54) and Kiruna – Gällivare – Överkalix – Luleå (linje 10, 20, 42, 52, 55) or ring Länstrafiken +46-771-100 110.

You can also search on for buses from “Kiruna busstation” to “Kiruna IRF” or “Kiruna IRF E10 vägskäl” (the former go up to the entrance, the latter stop by the main road 200 metres away).

Note that buses from Kiruna C to the Space Campus go less frequently during the summer months (mid-June to mid-August).

Created by Annelie Klint Nilsson at

Last modified by Annelie Klint Nilsson at